Friday, November 4, 2011


We have now had a hard frost and the garden has stopped producing.  We were able to get beans and tomatoes up to Halloween, which makes up for not producing much in the middle of summer.  I have been trying hard to get some things done.  I have completely finished two quilts.  I made a lap quilt for my mom with a line of fabric called Lilac Hill.  The pattern was from a book called scrap basket sensations and is made up of 2 1/2 inch strips.  I had it quilted by a local long-armer.  I hope she likes it!
 I also completely finished by paper piecing project. I quilted it myself with a simple pattern of triangles.
 Another project I hope to complete soon is the block of the month from the Pella Area Quilters Guild.  I love the color scheme, but I did not think about the finished project when I started making the blocks.  If I was smart I would have used the same background fabric for all blocks.  All the blocks have the same range of colors, so I hope it will work.
On the home front,we had a very busy Halloween.  We had two parties and then trick or treating.  We put a little more effort in decorating the house.  I think it was a success.  Several 8-9 year old boys said the house was haunted or "creeeepy", which was the effect we were looking for.  We put a ghost on the second story.  I used white fabric and then lit it with a black light.  We also used some pillars that I picked up at What Cheer and placed it in front of the porch and put our gargoyles on it.  We used lots of candles and the effect was nice.  I did not get any pictures of the kids or Nathan.  I am a bad mom for taking pictures of my kids.
The kids have been busy also.  We went on a camping trip with the Boy Scouts.  It actually went alot smoother then I thought it would and we now think we will try to camp more next summer.  The boy scouts had several stations set up and Zadok had a good time tying knots, shooting guns, etc.
Iris has been busy.  She has joined show choir and is still active in orchestra.  Last weekend she participated in a festival with other middle school orchestras.  They practiced all day and then had a concert at night.  I ended up chaperoning because no other parents volunteered.  It was not that stressful.  Orchestra kids are not really known for their trouble making antics.  It was hard to get a picture of her, she was toward the back of the stage.  They sounded pretty good for a group of middle school kids.
Today the kids have the day off and we are enjoying doing nothing!