Thursday, June 23, 2016

Two weeks

I have met my goal of taking pictures of the garden every week, but I did not get anything posted last week.  The side garden and shade garden look the same.

I like when I get garden visitors

It is always amazing how fast plants grow in a week.  the 1st picture is last week and then 2nd picture is this week.

I am ready for tomatoes!

I think that the kale is such a pretty color.

We will soon be having beans!

In the flower garden the daisies are blooming, but they are floppy.  I will have to do some researcher into why this is.

My favorite flowers are starting to bloom.  I love snapdragons.  Most of these are self sowed from last year.

I also love phlox!

The pot up front is doing well.

 The peach roses are still beautiful.

The thread leaf coreopsis are not doing as well this year.

Currently the orange day lilies are going nuts.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Gardening and Quilting

This week is hot here in Iowa.  I saw the forecast and knew that I had to get the majority of gardening done early in the week.  I planted some more peppers, zucchini, cucumbers, and squash.

The side garden still looks about the same.  The Anabel hydrangea is starting to take, but some of the hostas are looking a bit sad.

All but one dahlia are up.  The day lilies are starting to bloom.

The roses are still going strong.  The white roses are starting to bloom and so are the coral ones.

These turn pink when they get older.

In the main garden I saw the tiniest grasshopper.  The cat mint looks great right now. I can not believe that this is only its second year.

 Soon we will have tomatoes!

In quilting news I won 1st in viewer's choice at the Pella Area Quilters' Guild Tulip Time show.

 I had several other quilts in the show also.

Red and Turquoise Pineapples.  A Bonnie Hunter design.

The block of the month I created for my presidential year in 2015.

A finish last year.  I created the star blocks from charm packs.

I also made this with charm packs.

This is a bed runner and pillow.  It received 5th place in functional quilts.

A Christmas double wedding ring bed runner.

A scrap quilt that did not use up much of my scraps.

 In other quilt show news... This year I made the raffle quilt "Quadrille".  I also won the raffle!  I buy tickets in other people's name and the ticket drawn was one I bought in my grandmother's name!

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Roses and Birds

 This last weekend we had family come to visit.  One of the things that my mother in law loves to do, is go walking by the lake and bird watch.  It was a beautiful day for a walk.

 We found things other than birds.  It must have been millipede season. We saw lots of them on the trail.

We did see lots of birds.  A Heron.

Lots of Orioles.

 An inquisitive Blue Jay.

We saw and heard lots of other birds also, but it is hard to get pictures of most.
On the gardening front... There is not much change in the side garden.  The Irises and Peonies are almost done.

The part shade garden did not do much this week.

 In the main flower garden the roses are going nuts.

There are also some other flowers that are doing well this week.

It is nice to see bees.

The veggie garden is filling in nicely.  I need to work on it this week.

Other things in pots are doing well.  Creeping Jenny.